University Kinesiology Classes

University Kinesiology Classes


The Aquatic Center offers University Kinesiology classes in Beginning and Intermediate Sailing, Basic Windsurfing, Water Skiing/Wakeboarding and Basic Olympic Rowing.

These classes are available to registered Sacramento State students only.  Classes must be added through “MySacState.”  

Length of class is one semester and is a 1 unit class.

General Education Area E Credit; this one unit Kinesiology activity class, when taken concurrently with KINS99, will meet the 3 unit GE requirement in Area E. 
KINS 009     Beginning Sailing                  Fridays          12:00pm-1:50pm
KINS 011       Basic Windsurfing and SUP Thursdays     12:00pm-1:50pm
KINS 012      Waterski/Wakeboarding       Wednesday   12:00pm-1:50pm
                                                                     Thursday       12:00pm-1:50pm
KINS 014     Basic Olympic Rowing            Wednesday  12:00pm-1:50pm 

Spring 2023

For Spring 2023 all instructional class days will meet at the Aquatic Center.

KINS012 Water Ski/Wakeboard course will meet at the Aquatic Center and Water Ski and Wakeboard at Folsom Lake 


KINS 9 & 10

Beginning & Intermediate Sailing

Instruction in the fundamentals of sailing including safety and a discussion of terminology and technology of sailing.  Additional charge for off-campus services. 


KINS 11 Windsurfing

Two sac state students windsurfing on Lake Natoma

Introduces the student to the basic fundamentals of windsurfing.  Covers rigging, terminology, balance, stance, sail adjustment,  safety, rescue skills, and tricks. 


KINS 14 Basic Olympic Rowing

Sac State students learning to row in single rowing shells

Teaches the novice rower oar control, basic commands, and correct style.  Students will begin rowing on a modern eight oared racing shell and be introduced to the one person rowing single.