Brian Dulgar


Brian Dulgar headshot

A graduate of Sacramento State with a B.A. in Business Marketing, Brian has been a part of the Aquatic Center for over 38 years.  With his passion in aquatic and boating activities, he helped build the popular wakeboard/water ski programs  at the Aquatic Center.  Competing on the Sacramento State Water Ski Team, Brian won the 1988 Men’s National Slalom Title, becoming a National All-American.  He has coached many regional and national competitors, including the hornets to 15 national appearances and the 1999 Men’s National Slalom Team Title.  He currently serves as the California Department of Boating and Waterways, Boating and Safety Advisory Committee, and is an American Water Ski Association (AWSA) Driver and AWSA national competitor.

 What is the best part about working at the Aquatic Center?

“First, the best part about working at the Aquatic Center is the ability to turn an obsession of water sports into a profession.  Second, the enthusiasm, conviction, and passion among the staff allow our team to reach higher levels of excellence.  Third, the dynamic atmosphere at the Aquatic Center always creates new and exciting challenges.  Fourth, the ability to meet new friends and influence their lives in a positive manner created lifelong friendships.  Finally I get to work with the best teammate, my wife.”